Moon in Aries
Reflecting and transmuting the:
Sun in Aries

Every New Moon gives us the opportunity to Sew the seed thoughts and feelings, with the intention of manifesting our dreams.
We are filled with a burst of newness that can be channeled toward new beginnings. The same energy that causes flowers to pop out of the ground and bloom is the same energy that is surrounding us now and it can help us bloom if we open ourselves to it.
This is a Great opportunity to put into action a new game plan that can be nurtured on each New Moon over the next year!
Moon in Aries usually finds energies running high with feelings of spontaneity, enthusiasm and restlessness. We are impulsive and must be careful as to what we think and feel. For as we wind further into these coming years, manifestations from our thoughts and feelings will come to fruition much faster.
Those who find themselves relishing in negativity will notice more and more coming back at them from the external world. This can eventually become dangerous.
And so I encourage us all to guard our mind and train them to pulse out what we prefer to receive. A consciously chosen positive thought FAR out weighs an unconsciously bubbled up negative thought.
The trick is to catch the negative thought and then correct it. Over time it becomes easier and the benefits are well noticed.
Blessed Be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Taurus

The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Taurus Sun, this becomes a good time to break out and dance.
Life has many rhythms and the dance of life has infinite steps. In our lives there seem to be ways of being that are ingrained, habitual, and seemingly unchangeable no matter how hard we try to change them.
Facing these aspects of life with frustration only creates problems and imbalances in health. So, at this time, move with them, follow them, accept them, and allow them to show you what they offer.
Approaching the intractable with playfulness and an elevated conscious state of patience, and greater awareness, and compassion will find new ways through the hedge maze.
So dance and be merry Stargazers, for Spring is here.
Blessed Be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Gemini

The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Gemini Sun, our mental realms become hungry for novelties, more knowledge, and experiences.
We are quicker to process our realities too, so this becomes an opportune time to initiate changes that will set us upon the most appropriate path to our dreams and goal fulfilment.
Blessed Be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Cancer

The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Cancer Sun, this becomes a good time to get moving!
Sink your teeth into something that required effort that you've been putting off. You'll feel so much better once it's off your plate. The energy is available now.
Blessed be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Leo

The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Leo Sun, this becomes a good time to recognize our personal power, our potential, and that we are greater than we believe we are.
The physical incarnated soul is just a small part of the whole self. Like the hand in the glove, we are the soul in the body.
Let us allow our greatness to shine through, evaporating the mists of fear and negativity.
Blessed be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Leo

The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Leo Sun, this becomes a good time to be unabashedly ourselves. Have the courage to show your true colors.
Always remember Stargazers, you are Loved!

Sun in Virgo
The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Virgo Sun, we gain the drive to organize our spaces and our lives!
A place for everything and everything in its place!
Blessed be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Libra

Blessed Full Moon Stargazers.
The Moon is in Aries now. Opposing the Libran Sun, creating dynamic tension between the inner and outer world. This is a fertile time when we harvest what we have sown at the time of the New Moon.
At the New Moon time, I encourage the writing down of how you wish to Feel once the Full Moon arrives. As the New Moon Waxes to Full, these qualities are nourished and fertilized toward fruition.
Write this list as if you already feel these qualities, and on a level deeper than the ego, you already do. .
"I AM peaceful" "I feel abundant" "I feel so healthy".
The Full moon demands a sacrifice, usually something emotional that no longer serves us.
So be patient with yourself and with others too. Be willing to let go, to rise from the ashes and the fire. .
We are always learning, changing, and growing at our own individual rate. Everyone of us is.
This process of letting go can be made significantly easier by practicing meditation/sitting in compassionate and objective stillness.
Blessed be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!

Sun in Scorpio
The Moon is now in Scorpio. As she is in detriment here, the negative within us may become more aparent. The need for transformation is present and it's best to be as objective as possible with our emotions as they surface from the deep.
As she transmutes the vital energy from the Aries Sun, passion and sexuality run high. Especially since the Moon was just Full. This becomes a good time to explore ones sexuality.
Sex is a taboo in our mainstream society. In some circles it is a lower nature that must be suppressed. It is also abused, manipulated, and distorted by the media.
How one identifies with ones sexual nature is often complicated by having received poor, little, or no education about puberty and the changes of the body.
We are also seldom taught about self respect in this area, as well as about, hormones, the healing value of pleasure, and boundaries.
We may also struggle to enjoy healthy expression due to early trauma, shaming, guilt, fear, or self hatred. This usually stems from the fact that it is not openly talked about in healthy ways.
The body is a temple, the soul's vehicle, and a gift. Sex energy is a form of primal creation, healing, and is a tonic. It can be transmuted to spiritual energy, connecting us more richly with the divine.
Aries and Scorpio are both highly sexual signs. And so in this time, how ever is meaningful and healthy to your spirit, I encourage you to embrace and engage your sexuality in honourable ways.
If this is not possible for you, due to trauma, or fear, I encourage you to speak with a qualified counselor or therapist.
Blessings to your sexploration Stargazers, and always remember, you are loved.

Sun in Scorpio
The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Scorpio Sun, this becomes a time when "Mars type" energy is strong.
So be sure to be patient, kind, and allow your higher nature to shine through your actions. Practice tolerance and objectivity through trying situations. Knowing that this too shall pass.
Blessed be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Sagittarius

The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Sagittarius Sun, this becomes a good time to explore life, to adventure, to wander.
Routine implies that our free will settles for that routine, that rut, that cycle.
It is in breaking out of routine that Spirit has the opening through our free will to infuse our lives with newness, with that which we need to find our dreams fulfilled.
So wander, wander far and near, follow your bliss and be open to explosive changes that delight and nourish your spirit.
Blessed be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!

Sun in Capricorn
The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
This becomes a good time to realize that high energy levels are wasted if not channeled into a proper outlet for growth and change.
Fears may cause us to lash out in anger, but by practicing patience and allowing ourselves the time needed to gather our thoughts, rather than reacting instantaneously to external stimuli, we can create positive change.
Blessed be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Aquarius

The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Aquarius Sun, this becomes an important time to look before leaping. Accident and injury may come from impatience and irrational action.
A good time to assert ones place in the global society.
Blessed Be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!
Sun in Pisces

The Moon is in Aries now. Our inner worlds are energized and we feel more active and spontaneous.
As she transmutes the Vital energy from the Pisces Sun, this becomes a good time to see the divine in all that we are surrounded by.
Actively perceive the spirit that surrounds and inter penetrates all of creation. This will be a very humbling and liberating experience.
Blessed Be!
Always remember Stargazers,
You are Loved!