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Making accessible the art, and symbolic language,

of astrology in ways that help us to grow.


Through the natal chart, we see that we are

influenced by all of the signs and planets,

not just by our Sun Sign.


My service offering focuses on what

I call, "Soul Template Readings".

Viewing your natal chart as

the kingdom within.


The Sun and Moon are the authoritative

masculine and feminine, and act

as ones King and Queen. 


Venus and Mars are the Princess

and the Prince,  Mercury is

the Court Jester, and the

Ascendant is the Magic Mirror.


Each one of us has this Royal Court,

as well as its influence over the whole

of our lives.


Revealing how these influences

play out helps us to gain

self awareness, self acceptance,

avoid pitfalls and stagnancy in life,

rise into success through self-refining

into our highest expression.



are a way to gain greater self awareness.

I'm so happy to service a global community

of inspired individuals who are invested

in their growth game, seeking to

bring their best to make this

world a great place to be.


What is a Soul Template Reading?

The Template of the Soul is the Natal Chart,

and reveals what we may revert to when living

on autopilot. The good, the bad, the ugly.


When we Let Go

of erroneous misperceptions, and bring

in more consciousness, the possibilities

open up in life.​


Understanding the Soul Template

can spring board us through great,

fulfilling, and much needed transformations.​

Knowing where we're coming from,

knowing where we go.​



What can a Soul Template Reading Offer?

Guidance, support, clarity, and increased

self awareness.


The Soul Template is a

snapshot of the influences of the

heavenly bodies, at the moment we

take our first breath on this planet. ​


We carry these influences our whole

life and can rise above challenges

through conscious awareness and effort.​


We all have blessings and challenges.

That which inherently manifests

destructively, with conscious effort

can be made constructive, allowing

one to achieve great success in life.​


The Soul Template sheds light on strengths,

areas for growth, relationship patterns,

career potentials, and much more.​



The goal of this session.

To provide you with an objective view of your

constitution in life, and to support you

in progressing.


One reading provides the awareness to avoid

pitfalls and stagnancy, to claim your power,

to rise into your success,

and into your destiny!



Please include, with your payment,

the following information:


(This information is kept private,

in a password protected storage

that only I have access to. 

All results of readings are strictly

confidential. You are encouraged to

reflect often upon the results

of the reading.)


​Information Needed:

☆Full Name

☆Birth Day

☆Birth Month

☆Birth Year

☆Birth Time

(to within 4min, or to within 2hrs)

☆City of Birth

(and also the closest major city)​​


The time of Birth should be exact preferably,

but can be within 4 minutes or within 2 hours.

You get a lot more valuable information

with your birth time.​


To obtain your birth time,

you can contact your hospital of birth

and speak to the records department

for this information.​



We all have blessings and challenges.

That which inherently manifests destructively,

with conscious effort can be made constructive,

allowing one to achieve great success in life.


Through the practice of Astrology,

offer guidance, clarity, and increased

self awareness, through the wisdoms that

bring depth and meaning to existence.


One reading provides the awareness to

avoid pitfalls and stagnancy, to claim your

power, to rise into your success,

into your destiny!


Mentor with me to maintain growth,

to achieve greater self-awareness/compassion,

and to learn to overcome

challenges and gain confidence.



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