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Venus is in Aries

Our affective sides, values, and resources, burst forth with vigor, and passion! Constantly pulsing the newness of spring, and a lust for life. The aforementioned areas take on a warrior like empowerment and a headstrong, quick to anger, quality. As Venus is in her detriment in Aries, beware the temptation to cause conflict in order to excite passion. Sustaining passion is something that becomes a necessity, and can take the place of reason.

Venus is in Taurus

Our affective sides, values, and resources, are easily expressed now as Venus is at home in her ruling sign of Taurus. We become more sensual, practical, maybe a tad indulgent. Passion flows easily and working on finances and resources can be most beneficial. Remember, what we give, we receive.

Venus in Aries

Our affective nature, values, and attitudes toward resources and values burst forth with youthful vigor, passion, and the newness of spring. Add a lust for life and the aforementioned areas take on a warrior like empowerment and a headstrong, easy to anger quality. As Venus is in detriment in Aries, beware the temptation to rouse conflict in order to excite passion. Sustaining passion is something that becomes a necessity, and can take the place of reason.

Venus in Taurus

Our affective nature, values, and attitudes toward resources and values are clear now as Venus is at home in her ruling sign of Taurus. We become more sensual, practical, and perhaps indulgent. Passion flows easily and working on finances and resources can be most beneficial. Remember that what we give, we receive.

Venus is in Gemini
Venus is governess of our affections, values and resources as well as our feminine side. Gemini is the sign of collecting knowledge,he is curious, chatty, social, and potentially sneaky as he is associated with trickster energy. So our affections and values are likely to take on these traits, be they more positively, or negatively expressed. Take this time to understand what love is to you, what beauty is, what your values are. Affections can sparkle at this time.

Venus has entered Cancer

Great affectivity infuses our emotional realms. This is a time when we are more emotional and sensitive. We may reminisce on past love affairs. We long to nurture and care for others, and our affections flow easily now. Love becomes a sanctuary, a place to retreat from the hectic world outside. Our affections can be moody and take on a dreamy and imaginative aura. We prefer to be treated with gentle and tender care. We appreciate that which is steady, nurturing, and reliable when it comes to relationships and fulfillment of the heart. Watch out for moodiness and crabbiness when it comes to partners, or those we share our affections with. Love at this time is nourishing.

Moon in Aries

Moon in Taurus

Moon in Gemini

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Leo

Moon in Virgo

Venus has entered Leo

Venus is governess of our affections, values and resources as well as our feminine side.
As she frolics through the constellation of Leo, the areas listed above are impassioned with a noble heart, brilliance, and the desire for expression and recognition. Warmed and revitalized, we experience our emotions and feelings to the fullest. We are less inclined to compromise and our values may become superficial. This can be a good time for those who are too selfless as now they are able to take more for themselves, and as for those who are already too self-focused, be more generous. We long to find someone to admire, someone with commendable passion. We want a lover who is loyal and with whom there is mutual amazement. Remember that within a relationship, pride is detrimental to harmony and genuine exchanges.

Venus in Virgo

Venus is governess of our affections, values, and resources, as well as what we attract. As she fusses through the constellation of Virgo, the control of our emotions becomes important to us. We feel the need to understand every aspect of the affective areas of our lives. This allows us to place our affectivity wisely. Our hearts are strong and loyal yet we come off as reserved, modest, and shy. Beware the temptation to complicate relationships for fun,  and/or becoming nitpicky or controlling in relationships. Moderation in love is important to us as well. We are more helpful to our loved ones and partners and are more cautious in the face of crises. Happiness may be lost by not seeing the forest for the trees. We must relinquish fear of passionate encounters. Tight control on emotions may result in them fizzling out, as emotions follow very few laws.

Venus is in Libra
As she Naturally rules Libra,  her beauty becomes ferocious and easily expressed. Our affective life becomes more focused on partnerships. We are more appreciative of beauty and luxury as we strive to be more understanding and to create balance in our spheres of influence. We become flexible to keep the peace, but we must not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of. We are more accommodating but will not be pushed past our limits very easily. Our charm and seductive abilities are amplified. We are more inclined to be fair in partnerships and see the other point of view. We may be turned off by exaggeration, coarse behavior, and be fickle with our affections. As for our possessions and Values they may receive a good, and perhaps much needed, polishing up and refining at this time.

Venus in Scorpio

Venus is governess of what and how we attract. In Scorpio, she taunts us toward uncovering the pearls of wisdom that can be gleaned from horrific and tragic life experiences. Those born with Venus in Scorpio are intense lovers of the darker aspects of the human psyche, naturally attuned to the wisdom found in the frightening depths. As for the rest of us, it's not as easy to plumb the dark and churning waters within us, but the rewards can be epic for personal displays of bravery and persistence.

Venus is in Detriment in Scorpio. So her negative qualities are expressed easier now than her positive ones. A time to be on top of your values, affections, and how you relate to others. Love and Hate burn strong and sometimes simultaneously. Our needs to be sexually fulfilled may become demanding and it is best to be aware of inklings toward stoking fires of discord in an attempt to keep passion burning, as the darker sides of our passions are now exposed. Her journey through Scorpio correlates with the story of Hades abducting Persephone to become Queen of the Underworld.

Moon in Libra

Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Capricorn

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Pisces

Venus is in Sagittarius

Our affective life takes on a sense of adventure. We set our hearts upon the horizon. We can seem flighty, as we attempt to avoid being pinned down in any relationship that limits our freedom to soar. We look most for another who will share our sense of adventure and discovery. We long for enthusiasm and excitement. This is a great time to evolve past any ruts and doldrums in which we may be mired, with help from broader perspective and increased optimism. Scrambling toward the newly found light after being in darkness for so long, our hearts rejoice as we frolic our way over the details toward success. Our values at this time are impassioned toward aligning with higher teachings.


Venus is in Capricorn
Our values and affections now seek safety and comfort. We are more cautious when sharing our hearts and we value reliability, respect, and dependability in others. It is important to be honest with ourselves that we will not be controlling and manipulative in relationships. We may be perceived as detached when we are actually just behind our fortress walls.



Venus is now in Aquarius

Our affective lives and Values become more detached and eccentric, and broaden to encompass the collective, the bigger picture, the whole. A quirky, revolutionary, humanitarian vibe assists us in reevaluating our values, as well as what works and what no longer serves in relationships. 


Venus is now in Pisces

Venus is exalted in Pisces, and so her governance over beauty, resources, and values becomes a glittering show of divine radiant love. This is a perfect time to work on these areas within ourselves.

©:Copyright Quintile Astromancy 2024
Public Notice:

Metaphysical Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please immediately consult a Medical Doctor.

I do not make Medical Diagnosis, prescribe Medications and / or Medical Treatments. I do not interfere with prescribed Medications and / or with Medical Treatments. 

Astrology points only toward potentials. It is up to the individual to use their discernment.
I do NOT practice predictive Astrology.



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